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The hardest thing you may have to cope with in your divorce is having to spend time away from your child. However, there are many different types of child custody arrangements at your disposal. So you and your former spouse may put your differences aside, for the sake of your child, and join forces in selecting an arrangement that works best for your family dynamic. Continue reading to learn the most common types of arrangements and how an experienced Morristown child custody lawyer at Graves Andrews, LLC can help you determine which one has your child’s best interest as its focal point.

What are the most common child custody arrangements seen in New Jersey divorces?

Firstly, physical custody refers to which parent(s) holds the right to have their child live with them. This differs from legal custody, which refers to which parent(s) holds the right to make important decisions for their child (i.e., education, religion, healthcare, etc). So when specifically referring to physical child custody, there are several arrangements to choose from. They read as follows:

  • A primary residential custody arrangement: with this, your child may live in your separate residence for at least 51 percent of the time.
  • A shared residential custody arrangement: with this, your child may switch between living in your and your spouse’s separate residences equally.
  • A bird’s nest custody arrangement: with this, your child may live in your family home while you and your spouse switch between your separate residences.
  • A parenting time arrangement: with this, your spouse may have scheduled visits with your child even though you may retain sole legal custody rights.

How do I know which arrangement is best for my child?

No one child custody arrangement is deemed superior over the rest. In other words, the arrangement best for your child is heavily dependent on your and your spouse’s conditions. Examples of circumstances in which each arrangement would be the most ideal one for your child read as follows:

  • A primary residential custody arrangement: this may be best if you live close to your child’s school, doctors’ offices, and extracurricular activities while your spouse lives far away.
  • A shared residential custody arrangement: this may be best if you and your spouse both live close to your child’s school, doctors’ offices, and extracurricular activities.
  • A bird’s nest custody arrangement: this may be best if you and your spouse can reasonably afford three residences and wish to maintain structure in your child’s life.
  • A parenting time arrangement: this may be best if the family court deems your spouse an unfit parent and in need of supervision when in your child’s presence.

In a way, the best thing you can do to help yourself and your child is to let a skilled Morristown family law attorney help you. So please, as soon as you are ready, get in touch with us at Graves Andrews, LLC.