Understandably, divorce can be an emotionally painful process that you likely just want to get over as quickly as possible. But unfortunately, there may be some roadblocks along the way that can delay this already extensive process even further. Follow along to find out how New Jersey’s laws may impact your divorce timeline and how a proficient Morris County divorce lawyer at Graves Andrews, LLC, can help to expedite your proceedings.
What is the average divorce timeline in the state of New Jersey?
On average, divorce proceedings last a year, from start to finish. However, the truth is that this varies greatly for each couple. Some of the many factors that will play into the length of your divorce proceedings include the following:
- Whether you and your spouse can reach agreements easily.
- Whether you and your spouse are opting for a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce.
- Whether you and your spouse have children and must make child custody and child support settlements.
- Whether you and your spouse have high-value marital assets that must undergo equitable distribution.
- Whether you and your spouse have marital debts that need to be assigned.
- Whether you and your spouse have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.
- New Jersey’s requirements for divorce.
How might New Jersey’s requirements impact my divorce timeline?
Notably, you must first satisfy New Jersey’s residency requirements to kickstart your divorce process. That is, either you or your spouse must have either lived in New Jersey for at least one year, or either you or your spouse must be a bona fide resident of the state. If you do not yet meet this requirement, then your proceedings will be delayed until you do. What’s best for this situation is to consider filing in another state where you meet their requirement.
Additionally, you must satisfy New Jersey’s mandatory separation requirement before filing for divorce. Meaning, if you and your spouse are opting for a no-fault divorce, then you have to be separated for 18 months before filing. But if you and your spouse are opting for a fault divorce, then there is no separation requirement.
On the bright side, unlike some states, New Jersey does not have a required “waiting period” or “cooling off period.” If the state did, then you and your spouse would have to wait a certain period of time to ensure that you truly want a divorce before filing.
If you would like help with speeding up your divorce proceedings, it is in your best interest to retain the services of a talented Morristown family law attorney today.
Contact Our Experienced New Jersey Firm
Contact Graves Andrews, LLC to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced Morris County family law attorneys to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.